How To Get The Mac OS X

Ihave64bitUbuntu14.04LTS.IhaveinstalledthelatestversionofMacbuntu,butitdoesnothavetheadvancedmacosXefffects.Iwant ...,ToinstallUbuntu14.04LTSonamacgohere:。參考影片的文章的如下:


Make Ubuntu look like mac osX

I have 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I have installed the latest version of Macbuntu, but it does not have the advanced mac os X efffects. I want ...

Where can I get a Mac image of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

To install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a mac go here: However that site appears to have broken links so here is a direct link to ...

Transform Ubuntu 14.04 to look like Mac 转载

Transform Ubuntu 14.04 to look like Mac 转载 · 1: Mac wallpapers · 2: Docky · 3: Mac OS X Lion Theme, Icons and cursors: · 4: Apply MBuntu Splash:.


Macbuntu 14.04 Installation. Contribute to ranjithsiji/macbuntu-14.04-installation development by creating an account on GitHub.

macbuntu 14 : Make Ubuntu Look Like Mac OS X

macbuntu : install macbuntu ubuntu themes How to install mac theme on your ubuntu. mac theme for ubuntu Install MacBuntu on your ubuntu.

Mac OS X Theme installation under Ubuntu 14.04

Here we introduce the Macbuntu installation package that contains GTK themes, which are specifically customized for Ubuntu unity.

How to Install and Use a Mac OS X

Cairo-Dock is available in the Ubuntu Software Center. To open the Software Center, click the orange suitcase icon on the Unity Launcher.

MacBuntu 14.04 Pack Released, Transform Ubuntu 14.04 to look ...

This time NoobsLab is offering four Mac GTK themes, three Mac icon themes, Mac boot screen, and Mac like LightDM theme.

IntelMac Boots ubuntu-14.04.6-server-amd64+mac.iso

Any idea how to boot/install *something* other than win7 and ubuntu-14.04.6-server-amd64+mac.iso ? ---. Got two intel macs (is it pro? no idea) ...

How To Make Ubuntu Look Like Mac OS Ventura | PDF

This document provides step-by-step instructions to customize Ubuntu desktop to look like macOS Ventura. It involves updating the system, making a backup, ...


Ihave64bitUbuntu14.04LTS.IhaveinstalledthelatestversionofMacbuntu,butitdoesnothavetheadvancedmacosXefffects.Iwant ...,ToinstallUbuntu14.04LTSonamacgohere: ...,TransformUbuntu14.04tolooklikeMac转载·1:Macwallpapers·2:Docky·3:MacOSXLionTheme,Iconsandcursors:·4:ApplyMBuntuSplash:.,Macbuntu14.04Install...